Free shipping 2012 spring and autumn new restore ancient ways women's collar cultivate one's morality long-sleeved dress

Codice Articolo: 14192456 (0 recensioni 0 pezzi venduti ) 0
prezzo: US $ 20.15 / pezzo (Wholesale Price)
spese di Spedizione: $0.00 a  United States Via china air mail
Quantità:  (4 pezzo disponibile)   Ora calza: 3 giorni
prezzo totale:
US $20.15
Termine di consegna: 7-15 giorni
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    Product Description
The spring and autumn period and the new dress to restore ancient ways lapel cultivate one's morality long-sleeved dress, fabric super good, no color fading, not the ball, not deformation, wear in the body is very comfortable. Plate type noble, elegant. The stereo clipping cultivate one's morality, all set off women's temperament, melting, sexy.
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